Children and Youth: A Place for Everyone
We welcome our children and youth to be members of the church and of our vibrant community at St. James the Less! We believe that from birth, children have a unique relationship with God--it is our job to provide the opportunities to nurture and express that relationship! We believe that the questions that children and youth ask are questions we all have and perhaps even struggle with for much of our lives. Sharing worship with children and youth strengthens all of our relationships with God! Here, everyone has a place at the table. We encourage families to find their place of comfort at St. James the Less, whether that is sharing the experience of worship together as a family, or participating in one of the programs offered for children and youth during the 10:00 a.m. service or our specialized programs and events throughout the year.
Children in WorshipAt St. James the Less, we welcome children and youth wherever they are at: Some children may want to stay with their parents instead of attending the Nursery or Drop In Sunday School, and we honor that decision! In the Narthex (which is the foyer of the church), we always have books available for kids to peruse, as well as our brightly-colored Activity Bags which include colored pencils/crayons and pages to color.
Children & SacramentsAs Episcopalians, we honor and respect the Sacraments, God’s grace made visible on Earth. Among those, for children and youth, we especially hold Baptism and Confirmation as sacred gifts for our young parishioners. Children learn about and experience these Sacraments in Godly Play, Confirmation preparation, special workshop offerings, and in participating in them during worship. Children are welcome and encouraged to receive Communion, at the discretion of their parents.
ConfirmationConfirmation is a treasured and celebrated sacrament at St. James the Less. The program, built for ‘tweens and teens, is a year-long curriculum, meeting once a month, that includes liturgical and biblical study, service projects, hands-on activities, a retreat, and a personalized mentor from St. James the Less for each participant. Each year, the group of Confirmands forms a close connection with one another as they journey through a deeper sense of their own spirituality and connectedness to God.
Ages and Stages
Nursery CareFor children under 5, our nursery is open from 9:40 am to 11:40 am. every Sunday. Parents are welcome to use the nursery while they attend worship at 10 am as well as Coffee Hour afterwards. Feel free to bring children back for communion, or relax and enjoy the service while your children experience God in the Nursery. Giselle Lopez, our Nursery supervisor, is a professional childcare provider and educator that has been nationally background checked and trained in Keeping God’s People Safe, a child protection program devised for and mandated by the Diocese of Chicago.
Sunday SchoolFor children 5-10 years old, Sunday School is an option during the school year. Taking place during the 10 a.m. worship, children, Drop In Sunday School includes bible lessons, educational stories, and hands-on learning. Godly Play is the curriculum that is often utilized for our children’s spiritual formation, as well as concepts from Illustrated Ministry and other Christian resources. Drop In Sunday School uses the stories of our religious tradition to allow children to listen and explore their own relationship with God. We encourage parents to attend Drop In Sunday School with timid children or just to see what it's all about! Afterwards, children are brought back to worship to rejoin their families for Communion.
MiddlesSpecialized spiritual programming for our children in the “Middle,” (8-12 years old) occurs the second Sunday of every month and is led by our parishioner, Maureen Burke. Maureen’s passion and educational background lends itself to creating a rich educational experience for our children in this age range. Activities include bible lessons, art projects, group discussions and games. Middles takes place during our 10 a.m. worship time at the start of the service until Communion, when children are brought back to the sanctuary to rejoin their families.
Sunday Skip DaysOur Sunday Skip Days for youth (ages 12-18) takes place the first Sunday of every month during the school year. Sunday Skip Days are fun adventures in spiritual formation and life formation! Cindy Rigali-Lund, Director of Children and Youth, guides teens on quests that range from geocaching to bible study! Skip Days often take place at church with some alternative Sundays out and about in the community. These Sundays offer our youth the time and space to create community in a safe and sacred way.
Annual Events for Children and Youth
St. James the Less treasures its children and youth and through the years we have established events that draw families closer to God and to one another. Our community is filled with wonderful families that share a common faith. Click here for more information on Blessing of the Backpacks, Good Friday Stations of the Cross, Trunk or Treat, and Women & Girls Tea.
Christmas PageantAt St. James the Less, all children are invited to be part of the beloved Christmas Pageant on Christmas Eve. Our treasure trove of costumes and gear provides a sacred backdrop to tell the story of the birth of Jesus. Speaking and acting roles are provided for all interested children, along with songs directed by Josh Langhoff, Music Director. It is always a treasured, sacred pageant full of delight and wonder!
Easter SundayChrist is Risen, indeed! Easter service at St. James the Less always includes services to behold with glorious music and vibrant liturgy! Additionally, St. James the Less holds one service that is geared specifically for children and youth with an Easter Egg Hunt (sectioned off for two different age ranges) as well as a Puzzle Game for teens.
Summer = Sermon StorytimeWhen the weather warms up and school is out, we still offer children’s programming but it is more casual and takes place outdoors: For littles, we have our Nursery care available; for elementary-aged kids and Middles, we have our Sermon Story Time. Sermon Story Time takes place during the homily on each Sunday of the summer during 10am worship. Ms. Cindy, Director of Children and Youth, picks out a special book and reads it aloud to the children with a discussion and/or activity to follow.