The Commons
As part of the 2016 Capital Campaign, St. James the Less began a multi-year program to upgrade the appearance and use of the open area surrounding the church and rectory. This plan included fencing and landscaping the border, which defined the extent of the extensive property.
Extensive new landscaping of the Memorial Garden, makes it a welcoming place to spend quiet, reflective time.
The new sign lighted at the intersection of two major streets in Northfield announces the church's presence and serves as a frame for temporary signs promoting special events or fundraisers.
The fenced, irrigated community garden includes raised plots designated for growing produce to support a local food bank as well as by congregants and members of the community. A new shed houses garden supplies and materials. Recently we more requests for plots than we have plots available, and so now have a waiting list.
A brick labyrinth has been installed. Church members painted the bricks with personal messages, words of inspiration and drawings to create an inviting path. The labyrinth is open for use by the community at any time.