Our Work in the World
Christ has no body now on earth but yours;no hands but yours; no feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which the compassion of Christ must look out on the world.
Yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good.
Yours are the hands with which He is to bless His people.--Teresa of Avali
Yours are the eyes through which the compassion of Christ must look out on the world.
Yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good.
Yours are the hands with which He is to bless His people.--Teresa of Avali
St. James the Less has a long history of caring for people in our community. Not only do we give of our treasure, but we also give of our time and talent. The monies raised through our regular budget, as well as special events such as the Beatles Mass & Silent Auction and the Lobster Sale, support our “boots on the ground” efforts to be the hands and feet of Christ.
Community Garden & Chicken Coop
Our community food garden offers a spot for members of our community to participate in providing fresh vegetables for the Northfield Food Pantry.
Come visit our chickens, who lay eggs for the hungrry. |
ReVive Center for Housing and Healing
We help the homeless by partnering with Revive Center for Housing and Healing. We collect coats in the fall and toiletries in the winter for those living on the cold Chicago streets. During Advent, parishioners go gift shopping for families in need through our Christmas Baskets
program. |
Diocese of Toliara, Madagascar
St. James the Less is linked with the Parish of Amboasary and Maroaloka, in the south of the Episcopal Diocese of Toliara, Madagascar. Members of our parish have visited the Diocese, assisting with projects and teaching. In August 2019, Rev Lisa Senuta, our rector at that time, was invited to preach at the ordination of the first woman priest. Each year a portion of our outreach money goes to the Diocese of Toliara.
Quilts Beyond Borders
St James the Less has been sewing quilts for Quilts Beyond Borders (QBB) since shortly after the organization was founded in 2007. These quilts are given to orphans and children in need in areas around the world where it is cold at night. For the first few years, all our quilts were taken to orphanages in Ethiopia, but more recently they have been given to refugees, children in Indian reservations and other areas of need in the USA, and to help Ukrainians.
Days for Girls
Days for Girls empowers women and girls world-wide through sustainable menstrual care and health education. St. James the Less parishioners help make menstrual care kits to be shipped overseas as well as coordinate the sewing of kits locally in Madagascar, providing work for local women. More info at Days for Girls.